"Inner Joy"
Principles for change
Overcoming fear of pleasure
Your success profile
Learning to love yourself and other fully
Getting unstuck - Joyfully recreating your life
Overcoming guilt and worry
Making anger work for you
- Joy can be a baseline for living
- Joy can be sustained even in spite of major problems and challenges
- We live in a world of abundance. Appreciate it
- Be yourself
- Realize and integrate opposing values within yourself and others
- Eliminate "black and white" thinking
- You have the power to create your own experience
Overcoming fear of pleasure
- Recognize that you are in control of your mind. You can create your own experiences and not just react to the world
- Enliven your imagination. Set a goal and daydream
- Give yourself permission to feel good even when you have problems
- Experiment with your power to create ecstatic moments under different circumstances
- Favor the positive
- Let yourself be enthusiastic and loving. The energy of enthusiasm creates charisma
- Accept all your desires. They don't necessarily have to all be acted upon
- Take time out every day for quiet solitude
- Unlock breathing - Breath through alternate nostrils while holding for 4 counts
- Unlock your body
- Pelvic and back stretch - lie flat on back, sit up and hold for a count of 10
- Pelvic rotation - "hula hoop" 5 times in each direction
- Neck rotation - 5 times in each direction
- Pelvic rock - lie on back with knees bent. Alternately arch back and flatten to floor
- Spinal roll - lie on back, roll knees to side 5 times each side
- Standing toe touch
- Share a sexual fantasy with a lover and explore the possibility of acting it out
- Choose to be satisfied in the present
- Make a list of what you appreciate most about your life
Your success profile
- Give yourself permission to succeed. Common denominator in successful people is desire, determination and confidence
- Success is a process, not a final destination
- Make enjoyment of your work and your life, rather than money, your highest priority
- Set attainable goals and learn to enjoy each small step of progress
- Rest is the basis of dynamic activity
- Close eyes and take 3-4 deep breaths through nose
- Guide relaxation from toes to head
- Imagine you are floating in space or lying in a warm meadow
- Cultivate the ability to maintain a state of ease all day long
- Don't over-schedule
- Organize your work so you can always enjoy calm
- Consciously project ease and enjoyment. Sit back in a meeting and move forward when you speak
- Remind yourself that creative intelligence, not hard work, is the reason for your success
- Don't put up with boredom. Ask for more responsibility, more excitement, more challenge
- Value your time/stop wasting time. "Is this the most important thing I should be doing right now?"
- Cultivate energy by getting things done
- Find time to cultivate friendships - Friendship is fun!
- Success is just another game and only a fool takes any game too seriously
Learning to love yourself and other fully
- Affirmations
- Use several each day and at least 3 times per day
- Write in present tense
- Write in positive form (i.e. "I will....")
- Write affirmation 10-20 times. Include response for first 10 days and always include your name
- General affirmations for self-love
- I like myself always and in all ways
- It's OK for me to have fun and enjoy myself and I do
- My opinion is as valuable as the next person's
- It's always OK for me to express myself and my feelings in an appropriate way
- I never have to apologize for being me
- I would not trade me for anyone
- I control my present and my future without apologizing to anyone, especially myself
- I forgive myself for all past mistakes
- My past cannot haunt me; I'm not afraid of ghosts
- I am not lacking; I have everything in me that I need for what I want to do
- I regard every obstacle as an opportunity to confirm and enhance my abilities
- I do not judge others; but accept them as they are
- I live and act in harmony with myself and others
- I love all things and am loved in return
- General affirmations to enhance sexual self-image
- I deserve sexual pleasure
- I can ask for what I want in sex
- I can trust myself to go at my own speed
- I don't have to prove my masculinity. I am relaxed and can turn toward pleasure freely
- I can say no without losing my lover's love
- I am a terrific lover. I am open to giving and receiving pleasure in many ways
- I am sexually attractive and desirable
- I can freely express my sexual desires
- I can have orgasms and help my partner to have orgasms in many ways. I don't have to rely on intercourse all the time
- It's OK for me to howl and growl and let it all hang out during sex
- I can abstain from sex for awhile and still feel great about myself
- I can be active or passive during sex; changing roles turns me on and allows me to get closer to my lover
- Any reaction during sex is OK
- Any feeling during sex is fine
- I am handsome during sex. I can be totally open
- Contacting your inner voice
- Relax as in Chapter IV
- Clear an inner space
- Bring your chosen problem to mind and loosely regard it. Be sensitive to feeling it brings up
- Match feelings to words
- Accepting your body
- Look in full-length mirror
- List troubling body parts
- Write affirmations for troubling body parts
- Loving others
- Choose to communicate your deepest self
- Cultivate your ability to listen
- Give up your need to prove other people "wrong"
- Favor the positive whenever you can
- Accept that anger and tension will happen but learn how to deal with them
- Share your real feelings but beware of dumping
- Acknowledge those you love as often as you can
- More techniques for building self-love
- Practice developing congruence between your inner and outer self
- Stop putting yourself down
- Start giving yourself the credit you deserve
- Stop trying to win appreciation by putting yourself at everyone's beck and call
- Accept the fact that you're going to encounter plenty of disapproval in your lifetime
- Make an effort to trust your opinions
- Take time alone
- Pamper yourself every once in awhile
- Stop complaining about yourself
- Stop measuring yourself against a pre-fabricated ideal that you carry around in your head
Getting unstuck - Joyfully recreating your life
- Stop thinking of yourself as fragile. If you get knocked down; pick yourself up and move on
- Eliminate "wish," "hope" and "maybe" from your vocabulary
- Start considering yourself too important to put up with anxiety about obstacles in your life
- Pretend you only have one year left to live when you're feeling ambivalent about your life
- Choose one of your bigger dreams and start making it a reality
- Stop feeling you always have to have a plan
- Don't procrastinate
- Don't be ashamed to ask friends for support when you consider a major change
- Have faith in yourself, your ability to succeed at what you attempt and get back up if you fail
- Don't let yourself be crippled by the fear of failure
- Spend more time being a do-er and less being a critic
- Learn to master fatigue. Take a 5-10 minute break
- Decide once and for all that your happiness or unhappiness is primarily up to you
Overcoming guilt and worry
- Reduce guilt
- Stop trying to make decisions according to some abstract idea of right and wrong
- Recognize that you are not perfect and are entitled to make mistakes
- Put the past behind you
- Confront your values honestly an decide which you do and don't believe in
- Take time out for "frivolous" fun
- Stop letting yourself be manipulated by your boss, friend or spouse
- Learn to express your feelings confidently
- Restate the other person's feeling with "you" messages
- Ask the other person to appreciate your feelings
- Let the other person know that you appreciate their feelings
- State your reasons for following your course of action
- End discussion with positive feelings if possible
- Temper your expectations from yourself
- Ending worry
- Ask yourself what you're avoiding by worrying
- Take an inventory of your worries and see what they accomplish
- Label your worries as anhedonic thinking and undeserving of your attention
- Next time you worry about someone you care about, do something constructive to show your love instead
- Use affirmations to break the worry habit
- Face your fear of powerlessness - "What's the worst that can happen?"
- Beware of the belief that you need worry as a motivator
- Set aside a specific time for worry only
- If you catch yourself worrying, tell yourself to stop, then do something that will bring you pleasure
- Use "thought stopping" if worry won't leave
- Tread life's uncertainties and confusion like weather and go about your business
Making anger work for you
- Constructive anger
- Empowers you to stand up for yourself
- Helps you to communicate your hurt
- Allows you to share the intensity of your hurt with appropriately forceful language
- Aims for mutual understanding so your feelings are given more weight
- Will change relationship in specific ways to avoid future hurts and misunderstandings
- Prepares emotional ground for forgiveness and forgetting
- Anger desensitization for old hurts
- Make a list of 15 things that anger you
- Relax as in Chapter IV
- Describe incidents in detail
- Relax systematically, then respond reasonably
- Exercises
- Role reversal
- Push/pull - grab each other's shoulders and push/pull while verbalizing
- Fair fight
- Sit knee to knee
- One person speaks at a time uninterrupted
- Listener must restate what was said and then speak
- Anger inventory
- Why am I angry?
- What do I need to change?
- What do I need to let go of my hurt and anger?
- Goals of anger
- Communicate direct feeling of hurt
- To change the hurtful situation and make things right
- To prevent recurrence of the same hurt
- To improve the relationship and increase communication
- Other strategies
- When someone is getting angry with you, try to listen tot he message of hurt and restrain your own tendency to be defensive
- If you are too filled with rage to express yourself coherently, find some way to let it out physically
- When you're explaining your hurt, don't expect an immediate response
- Beware of trying to make the other person wrong. Seek an acknowledgment of your hurt and a commitment to avoid the same mistake in the future
- It's OK to get confused, change your mind and restate your feelings
- Don't be afraid to say exactly what you want to change
- When your anger is spent, acknowledge that you feel better