Learn for Life!
Learning is important not only for it's own sake, but when done right, it's fun and will provide many of those powerful and wonderful feelings that we often seek elsewhere.
One night, I listened to President Clinton's "State of the Union" address and was reminded of the emphasis his administration places on learning. Not only did he point out the staggering statistic that nearly 40% of fourth-graders are not proficient readers, but he also emphasized his belief that "every adult American must be able to keep learning for a lifetime."
I love statements like that, in part, because they support my belief that learning is important throughout all stages of life. I've found that many adults look back fondly on their college days. Do they miss the tests? The never-ending assignments and projects? Eating Top Ramen three days a week? Maybe they miss all of the money they had when they were in college. I really don't believe they miss any of those things, perhaps it's the friendships and social interactions they experienced in college that they miss.
I believe the pleasant associations many graduates link to their college experiences go even deeper than that. For many people, the college environment was the last time they were surrounded by people who were dedicated to feeding them intellectually. True, in some cases it's a force-feeding, but the amount of intellectual stimulation has often been greater than their work environments. In college, the student was bombarded with information from many directions and often struggled to keep up with the demand. Much like the overload principle associated with muscle growth, the brain became more active to process the increased information load. It's this hyperactivity that causes students to experience feelings of alertness and awareness - feelings they later associate with being "alive."
It's little wonder that many adults who return to college often find it easier to focus on learning. I met with a friend recently who has returned to college. She made a point of telling me how the experience is different for her this time because now she frequently experiences the feeling that she "gets it" - the feeling of awareness that she has learned something she didn't know before. While she told me about these experiences, I noticed that she seemed to be re-experiencing pleasurable feelings as she recounted the experience. Just telling someone else about her experiences allowed her to again feel "jazzed" about learning.
What many adults have been allowed to experience after graduating is the difference between the stimulation college provided and the decline in stimulation that occurs as they master their occupation. I believe that many of the feelings associated with "mid-life crisis" can be associated to the lethargy and depression the mind experiences when under stimulated. Like an inactive body, apathy and atrophy set in to create a downward spiral of both emotion and ability. Creating or entering an environment where new learning takes place halts many of those feelings of apathy.
Unfortunately, many adults feel that their ability to study has atrophied to the point where they cannot master information as easily as they believe they used to. That's where people like myself are helpful. Better methods have evolved to learn and master information than were available years ago. Learning doesn't have to be a painful and dull experience. But ours is not the only company or source of information. My hope for you is that you'll find the sources that are best for you.. There are many books, tape series, speakers and counselors available to help you to become a master student. My hope for you is that you take advantage of them to experience the joy and fun that will be yours when you discover that you can learn anything, anytime you want and have fun while doing it!
Learn for life!
One night, I listened to President Clinton's "State of the Union" address and was reminded of the emphasis his administration places on learning. Not only did he point out the staggering statistic that nearly 40% of fourth-graders are not proficient readers, but he also emphasized his belief that "every adult American must be able to keep learning for a lifetime."
I love statements like that, in part, because they support my belief that learning is important throughout all stages of life. I've found that many adults look back fondly on their college days. Do they miss the tests? The never-ending assignments and projects? Eating Top Ramen three days a week? Maybe they miss all of the money they had when they were in college. I really don't believe they miss any of those things, perhaps it's the friendships and social interactions they experienced in college that they miss.
I believe the pleasant associations many graduates link to their college experiences go even deeper than that. For many people, the college environment was the last time they were surrounded by people who were dedicated to feeding them intellectually. True, in some cases it's a force-feeding, but the amount of intellectual stimulation has often been greater than their work environments. In college, the student was bombarded with information from many directions and often struggled to keep up with the demand. Much like the overload principle associated with muscle growth, the brain became more active to process the increased information load. It's this hyperactivity that causes students to experience feelings of alertness and awareness - feelings they later associate with being "alive."
It's little wonder that many adults who return to college often find it easier to focus on learning. I met with a friend recently who has returned to college. She made a point of telling me how the experience is different for her this time because now she frequently experiences the feeling that she "gets it" - the feeling of awareness that she has learned something she didn't know before. While she told me about these experiences, I noticed that she seemed to be re-experiencing pleasurable feelings as she recounted the experience. Just telling someone else about her experiences allowed her to again feel "jazzed" about learning.
What many adults have been allowed to experience after graduating is the difference between the stimulation college provided and the decline in stimulation that occurs as they master their occupation. I believe that many of the feelings associated with "mid-life crisis" can be associated to the lethargy and depression the mind experiences when under stimulated. Like an inactive body, apathy and atrophy set in to create a downward spiral of both emotion and ability. Creating or entering an environment where new learning takes place halts many of those feelings of apathy.
Unfortunately, many adults feel that their ability to study has atrophied to the point where they cannot master information as easily as they believe they used to. That's where people like myself are helpful. Better methods have evolved to learn and master information than were available years ago. Learning doesn't have to be a painful and dull experience. But ours is not the only company or source of information. My hope for you is that you'll find the sources that are best for you.. There are many books, tape series, speakers and counselors available to help you to become a master student. My hope for you is that you take advantage of them to experience the joy and fun that will be yours when you discover that you can learn anything, anytime you want and have fun while doing it!
Learn for life!